Sunday, April 22, 2012

SlantedK's Featurerama Book Promotion.

SlantedK's Featurerama Book Promotion!

Here @ SlantedK we believe in sharing the Love.
(SFBP formerly known as Book of the week, eh.)
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When you read the sub-title about being overwhelmed and over-everythinged, did you feel that this book was written especially for you? It probably was. Here’s the good news. You do not have to accept a life of forever feeling frazzled, frantic and frustrated. 

How often do you think to yourself “So much to do and so little time”? Life does not have to be a constant struggle with stress. 

We often have little control over the demands made upon us, yet we can control our response. That’s where the management of stress must start. 

In this book, you will find quick, simple, easy-to-follow steps that will make sense and help you take back control of your life. 

This is a short, easy read that could turn your whole world around. Do yourself a favor and read this book.


Your book Manage Your Time To Reduce Your Stress --- just like The Procrastinator's Handbook --- came to me during one of the roughest periods of my life when I needed it the most. And both times, your books saved me. Without your recent book, I don't think I would have been able to calm down and settle my thoughts amidst all the chaos of moving from San Francisco to Tokyo. Especially considering that I ended up with jury duty in the midst of it all! But I did have your book, and I was able to manage my time to reduce my stress, just like you said I could. Watch me Rita, I'm going to work your techniques and make you proud!
--- Raiman Au, Japan

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Enjoy and be well.
A SlantedK Production

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