Sunday, April 1, 2012

SlantedK's Featurerama Book Promotion!

SlantedK's Featurerama Book Promotion!
April Fools Day!
Here @ SlantedK we believe in sharing the Love.

If you have any interest in going off topic from your regular blog and guest blogging or getting your book included @ SlantedK’s Featurerama Book Promotion, contact DMK  and let’s roll. 
(SFBP formerly known as Book of the week, eh.)
Thanks for visiting.

Return to Silver Creek By Chuck Tyrell
Arizona, 1882. Laura and Garet Havelock’s cabin on Silver Creek is only temporary until Garet can build their dream horse ranch. But first he must leave her and go north for horseflesh to stock their range and make their dream a reality.
The dream turns into a nightmare when Laura is attacked and abused by a vicious stranger.
Garet returns to an empty home… and a heart-rending mystery. While he searches for his wife, he stumbles on a potential range war between sheep herders  and cattlemen.
When he and Laura are finally reunited, their troubles are far from over. Will they ever live to enjoy their dream ranch, or will the nightmare go on…?
Beaten and broken, Garet must endure much to save his love and set the record straight – with vengeance and blood.

 Chuck Tyrell is the global western e-book winner for his novel The Snake Den.

“…The prison yarn is a staple of genre fiction, and Whipple has written a very good one in The Snake Den. Having researched and written a book partially set in Yuma Prison myself, I know he's done an excellent job of portraying that notorious hellhole. Shawn is a very likable protagonist, and the other characters are fleshed out and well developed. Given its setting and subject matter, it's not surprising that The Snake Den is considerably grittier than the fine Black Horse Westerns Whipple has also written under the Chuck Tyrell name. If this is an example of what we can expect from the Solstice Western line, I'm certainly looking forward to the rest of the books.”

- James Reasoner, author of Redemption, Kansas and Redemption: Hunters.

Bonus Info on this great Sunday!  FREE WEBINAR
"Publish an Ebook Today Using Amazon's Kindle - Complete Step-By-Step Event"
presented by Daniel Hall

You don't need to dream of authoring a best-selling book for this webinar to help you.

On Kindle, a one page article is a "book", and to publish it means to learn how to place your article on it.
If you offer products or a service on your web, then a brilliant way to promote your web is to write something like "Three Ways Aroma Therapy Helps Improve Your Energy" to promote your fragrances or maybe "Secrets To Succeed Flipping Houses in this Economy" to introduce people to your Real Estate On-line programs.

And, of course, if you DO want to place a book on Kindle, in this webinar event Daniel will show you EVERYTHING you need to get international distribution for your content as an ebook on Amazon's Kindle.

And here's the kicker... you can publish on Kindle without spending a dime to do it! Why is this so important? Amazon recently announced that for every 100 hardcover books it sells Amazon is selling 300 Kindle ebooks.

Daniel says, "Wowzer!"  Yes, that is the way he talks. You will learn a lot, and you can't beat the price, so
Friday, April 6th
"Publish an Ebook Today Using Amazon's Kindle - Complete Step-By-Step Event"
presented by Daniel Hall

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Eastern (New York Time)
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Central (Dallas Time)
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Mountain (Denver Time)
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Pacific (Los Angles Time)

Thank so much for your continued visits.
A tip of my hat to ya.
A SlantedK Production

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